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Gwich'in Sound Chart
‘ daa’aii axe No equivalent in English. Contains a sharp, abrupt stop.
b bèebii baby Same as in English, baby
ch chee river bottom Same as in English, chair
ch’ ch’ii mosquitoes No equivalent in English. Similar to a
ahch’ii pigeon hawk ch with a sharp, abrupt stop.
d dinjii man Same as in English; door, doctor, desk.
lidii tea
dh dhivii weasel Same as in English; this, than, that.
tsèedhòh money
dl dlak squirrel Same as in English; sadly.
dlok laughter
dr drin day Same as in English; dream.
vidrìt his/her leg bone
dz dzan muskrat Same as in English; adze
daadzaii common loon
ddh ddhah mountain No English equivalent. Similar to d
gwiddhàk crumbs plus a th in this.
dzh dzhii bird Similar to gee with the g more drawn out
dzhirh mittens
f frii ban frying pan Same as f in English; frying pan
ligàfii coffee
g geh rabbit Same as English give, trigger.
gugeh snow goose
gh vaghaii his/her sister-in law No English Equivalent. Similar to flat r
aghan war in French rouge.
gw gwaakàl the ground is bare Same as in the English name: Gwendolyn
gwatat amongst it
ghw ooghwàn it’s growling Similar to roy in French royal.
åuu ghwàii rough ice
h han river Same as in Enlish hat, has.
ahtàl grouse
j jak berry Same as in English just.
Jaå fish hook
k kant’ik moccasin uppers Same as in English kite.
kaiik’it community
k’ k’oh clouds Similar to k with a sharp, abrupt stop or
aak’ii cow, buffalo a breath after the letter.
kh kheh Canada goose Similar to German ch in Bach.
giikhii preacher,minister
kw kwan’ fire Same as English quest, queen.
Akwàt two-year-old beaver
l lidii tea Same as English low, mellow.
Å‚ Å‚uk fish Similar to l with air coming out of both
ihłak one sides of the tongue.
m màamaa mom, mother Same as m in English mouse, milk.
amàa’ breast
n niinjii lynx Same as n in English need.
ninleetth’àk your ring
nd ndak further back Same as in English nd in end , sand.
nduh ts’aii across side
nj njuu island Same as nj in Punjab.
dinjik moose
r teenjir half Same as in English read, ran.
åeth tr’ir sandbar(GG)
s soogaii sugar Same as in English.
lisel salt
sh sheejii my older sister Same as in English.
shat a scar
sr srii knife Equivalent to shr in shrew, shroud.
gwahsri’ meadow
t tah socks Same as in English .
vit lake trout
t’ niveh t’ah'ii soldier Similar to English t with a sharp, abrupt
vint’ii behind her/him stop or a sharp breath.
th thaå pants Same as English thin, thick.
thoh belt
tå daatåeh soap (GG) Similar to cl in clean, clear without
tåee ointment (GG) movement of the vocal chords.
tå tå’yah rope Similar to tå with a sharp, abrupt stop.
tå’oo grass
tr trah merganser Same as in English.
daatrat it is shaking
tr’ tr’iinin child Similar to tr followed by a sharp, abrupt
etr’uu arctic tern stop.
ts tsè’ beaver (GG) Same as English bats, cats.
tseenjaa carefully
ts’ ts’aåvit arctic loon Similar to ts with a sharp, abrupt stop.
ts’ìivii spruce tree
tsh ihditshih numerals Similar to a ch sound however, with a
dzan tshi’ muskrat tail heavier pronunciation on the ch.
tth tthaa mountain squirrel Similar to t with a th as in thin
tthak all, everything
tth’ tth’an bone Similar to tth with a sharp, abrupt stop.
ejìitth’ak he hears
v vàdzaih caribou Same as in English.
van lake
y yahkeh dawn Same as in English.
yeelil he is dragging it
zh zhòh wolf Same as in English words vision, illusion
dehzhòo snow on branches
zr zral shout Pronounced similar to zhr.
daazraii swan
i drin day Same as in English grin, sin.
ts’it porcupine
e geh rabbit Same as in English met, let, bet.
ts’eh hat, cat
a dah blood Same as in English shut, gut, nut.
åat smoke
o oh fish trap Similar as in English coke, poke.
zhoh snow
u tsuk marten Same as in English toot, boot, took.
åuk fish
ii vigii it’s young Same as in English bee, see, knee.
divii sheep
ee chee river/lake bottom Same as in English bay, lay, way.
Shuundee my older brother
aa daadzaii common loon Similar to a in Albert
aazrik wood shavings
oo goots’an theirs Same as English go.
dhootsaii you all made it
uu åyuu ice Same as English in moon, toque.
uudee upwards
All other vowels with the hook placed under the vowels in the following î, ê, â, ô, û, îî, êê, ââ, ôô, ûû, gives the vowel a nasal or ‘n’ sound.
Vowel Combinations:
ao gaolii I expect Same as in English cow, town, pout.
eu dizheu cow moose Similar to English eh followed with oo.
aii taii trail, road, street Similar to English a with ee following.
eii gwileii She/he/it is poor Similar to English eh with ee following.
ai’ vatài’ it’s handle Pronounced a with short English ee with a sharp abrupt stop.
Low Tone Marks:
If the tone mark appears over certain words, then it would change the meaning as in the following:
zhoh snow zhòh wolf
shuh drum shùh wart
khah packsack khàh war club
shih grizzly bear shìh food
sryuh inconnu sryùh robin
With words that are possessed, the tone mark would appear over the first vowel in after the second set of consonants as in the following:
srii knife vizrìi’ his knife
ts’eh hat, cap vits’èe’ his hat, his cap
tah socks vatàa’ his socks
tr’ih boat vitr’ìi’ his boat
****Any recopying of this or any material from the Gwich’in Social and Cultural Institute must have the full written permission of the Executive Director of the GSCI.